
Warren and Amy Katzman




OF $10,000 Raised

This team is part of Team Monsey

Dear Friends,

It has now been almost a year since the tragic events of October 7th befell Acheinu Bnai Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel. Initially, we were all shaken by the overwhelming magnitude of the devastation experienced by so many on that day. As is human nature—a trait instilled in us by Hakodosh Baruch Hu—over time, we learn to cope with the hardships we face. It is also natural that as time passes, our immediate emotional response lessens, even though, intellectually, we know that the suffering of Klal Yisroel continues each day.

With the fading of our emotional reaction, it is also common for the level of support we give to Zedakos that assist those affected to diminish as well. This past year, Klal Yisroel has displayed unparalleled generosity, for which we commend you. Yet the needs in Eretz Yisroel remain immense, and the support required in the years to come is significant. As we approach Chodesh Elul and prepare for the Yomim Noraim, there is no better time to engage in Teshuva, Tefillah, and acts of Chesed and Zedaka to prepare for our judgment.

At this time, we humbly reach out to you once again on behalf of the Magen Yisroel War Relief Effort, under the auspices of the Migdal Ohr Institutions of Migdal Haemek. This great beacon of Torah and Chesed is led by the illustrious Gaon, Harav Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, Shlita.


Please take note of the following efforts:

  • Rav Grossman established a fund for the victims of the October 7th massacre and the orphans of those who perished.
  • The fund has provided supplies, games, and clothing to affected families.
  • Stipends were given to farmers in the south to help them recover from the loss of produce and income.
  • Thousands of dollars have been distributed to support displaced families.
  • Over 200 children with special needs were given day-long programs when their schools were closed.
  • Beginning on October 8th, Rav Grossman was among the first to organize hotels and alternative housing for those displaced in the South, and his efforts to sustain them continue to this day.
  • Migdal Ohr hosted thousands of IDF troops on its campus.
  • Mattresses were delivered to hospitals and army bases.
  • Hotplates, urns, Shabbat meals, and warm clothing, boots, helmets, and military supplies have been provided to countless soldiers.


Under Rav Grossman's leadership, the Magen Yisroel division of Migdal Ohr remains a leading organization in Eretz Yisroel, providing both physical and spiritual comfort to Acheinu Bnei Yisroel affected by the tragedies of the past year. We ask you to join Rav Grossman, Magen Yisroel, Migdal Ohr, and Acheinu Bnai Yisroel in their holy work.

As we prepare to stand before Hakodosh Baruch Hu on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we kindly ask for your support of one of the foremost Torah and Chesed organizations in Eretz Yisroel, and possibly the world, during this time of war. In the merit of your Zedaka, may you be blessed with a year of only blessings, joy, and peace for all of Klal Yisroel.


Thank you in advance for your generosity.

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American Friends of Migdal Ohr

Healing Today Building Tomorow

Join Migdal Ohr’s GLOBAL 2X MATCHING CAMPAIGN for Israel’s children

Your embrace today reassures Israel’s orphaned and at-risk children that they CAN overcome this heartbreaking reality. Together, we can turn tragedy into triumph.
We can create a new future for Israel.

Build the Future
Build the Future


Select a dedication at one of the construction projects on Migdal Ohr’s campuses
Nourish Dorm Families
Nourish Dorm Families


Three nutritious meals a day for a year to feed two family dorms of 24+ children
Scholarship for a Chef
Scholarship for a Chef


A scholarship for a budding chef to the Cooking Up a Future culinary program
Therapies for a Child
Therapies for a Child


A year’s worth of therapy (72 sessions) for a child recovering from trauma
Shana Tova Packages
Shana Tova Packages


Groceries for 80 orphaned and widowed families before Rosh Hashanah
Alumni Wedding
Alumni Wedding


Sponsor a wedding for a couple and gifts to set up their home
Clothing & Laundry
Clothing & Laundry


A year’s worth of wardrobe and weekly laundry service for 10 children living at Migdal Ohr
Supplies for a Class
Supplies for a Class


A year’s worth of arts & crafts, sports, and music instruments for a class of 20 children
Baby Formula
Baby Formula


A year’s supply of baby formula for children in one of our daycares
Winter Wardrobe
Winter Wardrobe


Warm boots, a winter coat, several sweaters, warm bottoms and tops for a child

$ 2,817,378

140% OF ORIGINAL GOAL $2,000,000 usd

BONUS GOAL $2,800,000

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