Fábia Preminger

Fábia Preminger




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Dear friends,

Over 21 years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Rav Grossman shlita, in New York. During our conversation, he told me it was imperative to meet his Mother a"h, Rebbetzin Gutta Perel, in Yerushalayim. A few weeks later in Israel, I went to Meah Shearim to meet her. On that unforgettable visit, I had the pleasure of meeting Rebbitzen Rochel Nussbaum - Rav Grossman’s powerhouse sister - and got to see her 'at work'. I was awestruck by the all-encompassing way she treated the alumni girls on their journey to the new school, and eventually shidduchim, and starting families of their own. After this encounter, I strongly felt that I would love to merit and be a partner in this holy work - both practical as well as spiritual. 

At first, I turned to my parents, family, and friends to donate to this essential cause of hachnassas kallah. They were all grateful for the opportunity to help underprivileged and orphaned girls because they knew it would be helping create future generations of Klal Yisrael, in Israel. Eventually, along with Rabbi Grossman shlita and Rebbitzen Nussbaum, in a totally voluntary capacity, we co-founded the Bridal Fund in 2003 with 25 brides and, with Hashem's Help, this year we are breaking our records and helping more than 770 brides!

Rabbi Grossman and I discussed giving this unique project the name Bayit Yehudit Bridal Fund after my beloved Mother a"h. My Mother was a poised and remarkable woman who empowered others in an understated way. Mom a"h was incredibly elegant and wise. She brought light, joy, and warmth into the lives of many couples from all walks of life. Surely Mom a"h will advocate on your behalf for eternalizing her legacy of selfless giving. (See Rabbi Grossman's message launching the program.)

BAYIT YEHUDIT BRIDAL FUND is unique because...

1) We accompany underprivileged, orphaned children throughout all the stages of life. Not only do we give them a solid education at Migdal Ohr from a young age and bring them all the way to their chuppah, but also continue to support them through every milestone of family life - bris milah, pidyon haben, bar/bas mitzvah, weddings of the next generations, and beyond. 

2) It is a powerhouse of tzedakah and chesed where every dollar transforms misery to simcha - with NO OVERHEAD AND TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS!

3) We not only support orphaned couples financially but also emotionally, as parents who give to and invest in a child.

4) We serve the entire spectrum of Israeli society - religious, secular, Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Chassidic... Couples from every background!

5) We provide for modest weddings and every detail within and beyond. Including $5K per couple's which may cover a dowry, furnishing, clothing, rent, professional guidance, and more! 

6) Each bride is treated like a daughter. Escorted the Rebbetzin or another devoted staff member, she is able to plan her wedding and set up her modest home to her liking. Our devoted staff members Chana, Shifra, Shelby, Esther, Rachel, Clara, and Luana- provide love, support and accompaniment the brides-to-be from the dating process through the chuppah and beyond!


We learn from our sages and say in our daily tefillah that Hachnassas Kallah is a mitzvah that brings extra merit for marriage and speedy recovery from illness. The Mishna in Maseches Pe’a (which is recited in tefillah) places the Mitzvah of Hachnassas Kallah in between the Mitzvos of visiting the sick and attending funerals. The Steipler Gaon z”l (Rav Yaakov Kanievsky) says this is because Hachnassas Kallah has the power to disrupt the natural process of illness and death. Although serious illness can lead to death, this process can be halted through the Mitzvah of assisting couples to get married. Rebbe of Nikelsberg further highlights the significance of this mitzvah by saying that if a person assists a couple to marry and build a home, he receives reward not only for the happiness he brought them and the mitzvos that they observe in the home, but also for all the Torah and mitzvos performed by all their descendants, for eternity. Assisting a needy bride and groom is thus an invaluable investment, as it continues paying enormous “dividends” forever.

We hope and pray that, by joining us in this campaign, all of your prayers are answered in abundance!

We urge you to partner with us in this incredible mitzvah and that you merit to affect the lives of brides and grooms as they embark on this new path filled with hope!


Read about my incredible Mom a'h here.

See video of Rabbi Grossman's message launching the Bayit Yehudit Bridal Fund here.

Click here to watch and receive a bracha from Rabbi Grossman shlita (in English)

Click here to watch and receive a bracha from Rebbetzen Nussbaum (In Hebrew)

Click here to watch the Rav launching the re-naming of the Bayit Yehudit Bridal Fund (in English)

Thank you for your continued support and generosity! 

Mazal Tov and tizku l'mitzvos!

Please feel free to send in name/s for bracha.

Rav Grossman shlita, Dad, Mom a"h and me

Dovid Grossman et al. posing for a photo

Yehudit Preminger a"h my beloved Mom!

a person smiling at the camera

Avraham and Moryah's wedding at the Preminger home

a man and woman sitting at a table with a plate of food

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American Friends of Migdal Ohr

Healing Today Building Tomorow

Join Migdal Ohr’s GLOBAL 2X MATCHING CAMPAIGN for Israel’s children

Your embrace today reassures Israel’s orphaned and at-risk children that they CAN overcome this heartbreaking reality. Together, we can turn tragedy into triumph.
We can create a new future for Israel.

Groom Package (Talit and Bag)
Groom Package (Talit and Bag)




Pots and Pans
Pots and Pans


 Kallah Clothing
Kallah Clothing


Linen and Towels
Linen and Towels


 Kallah Teacher
Kallah Teacher


Electric Devices- Fridge, Washing Machine, Stove, Oven
Electric Devices- Fridge, Washing Machine, Stove, Oven




Few Months Rental
Few Months Rental


 Sponsor a Couple- Wedding and House
Sponsor a Couple- Wedding and House


$ 2,817,378

140% OF ORIGINAL GOAL $2,000,000 usd

BONUS GOAL $2,800,000

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