מים טהורים
₪52 / month
שותפות במעגל מקוואות הטהרה₪100 / month
החלפת מי גשמים במקוואות בזכותך₪180 / month
תיקון הלכתי במקוואות בזכותך₪360 / month
מטר בשיפוץ מקווה טהרה בזכותך₪770 / month
מטר בבניית מקווה טהרה בזכותך₪1,000 / month
יציקת מקווה חב"ד - בדוק ומנוסה: רבים שהשתתפו ראו ישועה₪75,000
הקדשת בור טבילה חב"ד לזכותך₪100,000
הקדשת אגף טבילה חב"ד לזכותך₪ 2,133,143
106% OF ORIGINAL GOAL ₪2,000,000 ils
BONUS GOAL ₪2,250,000
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רותי אוחיון
סימי שמחה בת דונה ויוסף
3 hours ago
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15 hours ago
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מנחם מענדל וחי' מושקא גרוזמן
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Yochonon Gordon
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אודיה כהן
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Ada Cunin
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אביגיל רוזנפלד
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זכר למחצית השקל
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Mendel Ohayon
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The Center of Chabad Mikvaos is creating a real revolution!
• The Center of Chabad Mikvaos was established by the Chabad Rabbinical Court in the Erets Yisroel, 14 years ago, with the purpose of strengthening Chabad Mikvohs in neighborhoods, towns and moshavim throughout the country.
• The Center works to raise the national standards of purity and Hidur in the Mikvaos.
• The Center brought about a real revolution, in terms of kashrus, to the entire network of Chabad Mikvaos throughout the country.
• The Center assists with grants for renovating existing Mikvaos and building new ones, and assists by supplying equipment for Mikvaos.
• The Center provides halakhic and professional guidance and counseling to mikvah builders and operators, and accompanies the construction or renovation process.
• The Rabbis of the Center hold halakhic supervision tours of mikvahs throughout the country.
• The Center maintains close contact with recommended professionals (contractors, architects), for the service of builders and renovators of mikvahs.
The Center of Chabad Mikvaos has performed:
Kashrus and Hidur inspection for 180 Mikvahs
Granting of supervision certificates for 120 Mikvaos
Gave grants for over 70 Mikvaos
Rainwater replacement for 120 Mikvaos
Currently in execution:
33 Chabad Mikvaos under construction
20 Chabad Mikvaos under planning and design
7 Chabad Mikvaos under renovation
Together with you we will continue the momentum!
We will build and renovate more Mikvaos, replace the rainwater for dozens of other Mikvaos, and raise the level of hidur of the Chabad Mikvaos to the highest level, as desired by the Rebbe, Nossi Hador.