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A beloved father and husband ripped away from his wife and children!
Raphael Shimon was a gem of a human being! His entire being devoted to providing for his beautiful family. A doting father to four lovely daughters; each, the apple of his eye, and imbued with a stellar Torah education. An ehrliche yid, he was a regular attendee at many shiurim, and was an integral member of the Torah Links Minyan. His wife, a beloved Morah at Politz Day School, Mikvah attendant at the Chabad Mikvah Mei Shifra, and involved in discreet chessed around the community.
And now… after a brief (two months) but excruciating illness… his wife and children are left all alone… in utter shock!
Who will care for them? Who will provide for them? Who will marry off the children?
It is up to US! WE MUST support Hashem’s orphaned children!
We beseech you, PLEASE reach deep into your heart, feel the pain of a widow and her orphaned children, and contribute as generously as you possibly can!
In the merit of your selfless generous support of this bereaved family, may Hashem shower you with endless happiness, good health, success, and Yiddishe nachas from your children!
All donations are 501c3 tax deductible.
Funds will be deposited in a special trust fund administered by a financial advisor
to provide immediate relief and stable long-term income for the Mellul family!
Rabbinic Letter of Support for the Mellul Family Emergency Fund
ראש חודש אדר שני תשפ"ב
החודש אשר נהפך להם מיגון לשמחה
אל כבוד אחינו בני ישראל די בכל אתר ואתר ה' עליכם יחיו
The Cherry Hill / Philadelphia / Delaware Valley Jewish community suffered a devastating loss with the recent and shocking passing of Mr. Simon Mellul, Raphael Shimon ben Avraham Chaim, of blessed memory. He leaves behind a grieving widow and four young, orphaned daughters. Every member of the Mellul family is a precious gem, adorned with refinement of character, a beautiful Torah of chessed, and beloved by all who are acquainted with them.
Simon was also the primary breadwinner of his family, and his passing leaves them in a most precarious financial position.
Compassion for and feeling the pain of another, and helping to shoulder their burden, is a hallmark quality of Klal Yisroel. The Mellul Family Emergency Fund has been established (funded by the proceeds of the Charidy campaign bearing their name), to provide a long-term, steady, stable, supplemental stream of income to help ensure financial viability. We call upon every member of our community to reach deep into your heart and adopt this family as if they were your own.
May The Almighty Father of Widows and Protector of Orphans reward your noble generosity of heart and spirit with a long and healthy life filled with happiness and nachas!
With Torah blessings,
Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld
Young Israel of Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Yisrael Davidowitz
Foxman Torah Institute Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva High School
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Michael Davies
Congregation Sons of Israel
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Yaakov Deutscher
Kosloff Torah Academy
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Scholar in Residence, Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Albert Gabbai
Congregation Mikveh Israel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Rabbi Chaim Greenwald
Politz Day School
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Yonah Klahr
Community Kollel of Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill
Rabbi S. Mendel Mangel
Chabad of Camden and Burlington Counties
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Shimon Max
Foxman Torah Institute Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva High School
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Berel Rothman
Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Sons of Israel
Cherry Hill
Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Serebrowski
Torah Links of South Jersey
Cherry Hill
גם אנחנו מצטרפים להנ"ל
Rabbi Aaron Gruman
Torah Links Central
Lakewood, New Jersey
Rabbi Yitzchok Kahan
Chabad of Medford
Medford, New Jersey
Rabbi Mordechai Miller
Yeshiva Derech Ayson
Far Rockaway, New York