שפע חיים צאנז קלויזנבורג TEAM PAGE
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Mutty Ziegler
Y. M. Rosenberg is one piece of chessed! Keep up your good work and smile
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Seudos… Simchas… Visiting friends and family… carrying medication… rain gear… baby strollers…
So many reasons why an Eruv is not a luxury but a necessity. For anyone who ever lived without an eruv, there’s no explanation needed. Every single Yid, every single Shabbos derives tremendous pleasure from the eruv; we come, we go, we take, we bring…
That’s exactly the reason we need no explanation on the necessity of covering the cost of our eruv, because in a Jewish home, an eruv is a utility like all other utilities. We need running water, we need electricity, we need heat, and we need an eruv! And we need to pay for it!
It is self-understood that operating and maintaining an eruv comes with tremendous cost, whether it is for the weekly inspections, or for maintenance, repairs, and expansions. The responsibility to cover this cost, doesn’t rest on any individual, it rests upon the shoulders of every community member and every resident of the area collectively.
Therefore, we urge every single community member to contribute at least $2 per week which is a total of $104 Dollars per year to cover the operating cost of our eruv. A small price to pay for such an important part of our lives.
In this z’chus may we all merit to earn all the rewards that come along with Shmiras Shabbos in general and particularly the Mitzvah of Eruv.
כל המענג את השבת נותנים לו נחלה בלי מצרים!