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Leaving behind his family and job, Ariel Pinson is choosing a new mission: to join the front lines alongside the shluchim, bringing joy and moral support to the soldiers of the IDF. In this journey, Ariel is showing that, sometimes, the most meaningful contributions are made through uplifted spirits.
Mordechai Ben David
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Nayadot Chabad is bringing supplies, smiles and spirituality to those who need it most - but it can only continue through YOUR GENEROSITY!
“A tank is undeterred by trenches and pits and simply crosses them to reach the other side. An iron barrier—the weight of the tank simply crushes it. This is the purpose of the [mitzvah] tank. If there is a (spiritual) pit or trench, or even a barrier - things that are not associated with holiness - it nevertheless can go and fulfill its mission - to dispel evil and introduce good and G‑dliness into the world.”
These words, spoken by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1974, define the essence of Chabad’s Mitzvah Tanks, first introduced in 1974 in the months after the Yom Kippur War.
Now, as Klal Yisroel once again battles its physical foes in Eretz Yisroel, Jews around the world have united to support our Nation in our Land. As Israeli soldiers put their lives on the line to protect their brethren and defeat our enemies, Nayadot Chabad has sent its tanks - Mitzvah Tanks of Israel - to inspire, encourage and support our chayalim, as well as Jews living in Southern Israel bearing the brut of the war.
Nayadot Chabad is fulfilling the Rebbe’s words, travelling wherever necessary, overcoming obstacles, arriving to impact and encourage countless Jews who need everything from infusions of food and supplies to an infusion of joy and simcha. Putting on tefillin, distributing food, dancing and singing songs of faith and trust in G-d - Mitzvah Tanks of Israel are on the front lines, dispelling evil and introducing good and G-dliness wherever they go.
Day in and day out, Nayadot Chabad are making a huge difference, bringing supplies, smiles and spirituality. But all this costs money, and the budgetary needs must be met, day in an day out. Mitzvah Tanks of Israel needs YOUR help and support to continue its mission, to continue crossing trenches and breaking down barriers to help soldiers, Jews in crisis in Southern Israel, and all others in need of encouragement and support.
Donate Now and help us crush the barriers of evil and fulfill our mission!