Ilan's Laundry

Ilan's Laundry




"CVISA" project - a roving and mobile laundry for soldiers

Since October 7th, hundreds of thousands of IDF soldiers have found themselves fighting throughout the Gaza Strip. Most soldiers only receive a brief respite of several hours before returning to the battlefield.. It has often been said that the army marches on its stomach. However, the army also marches with its uniforms. The "CVISA" project was established with the goal of transportinga mobile laundry to IDF staging grounds where the soldiers can rest for a few hours. The project volunteers, all residents of the Western Negev, arrive daily at the staging grounds to wash the soldiers’ clothes and uniforms within a short time period. As of today, the "CVISA" project has already aided 

 some 3,000 soldiers

 ”CVISA” offers a simple solution – project volunteers arrive at the staging grounds, meet the soldiers, and wash their clothes at once. Priority is given to those soldiers who only get a few hours of respite. The soldiers receive clean laundry within an hour while the soldiers themselves can use the time to contact families and loved ones. 

The project is made possible thanks to a large wagon pulled by an SUV, with 4 washing machines and 6-8 dryers, a generator, a water tank and 2 volunteers. The mobile laundromat arrives upon request from soldiers or to areas with large concentration of soldiers. 

We thank in advance everyone who believes in this project and is willing to donate funds to sustain it. For donations, please contact Sharon Toledano by email: or by phone at 972-525793086. Please indicate in the subject line: "CVISA" project - a roving and mobile laundry for soldiers.

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Israel - The People of Eternity



$ 320,288

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