Mrs. Smadar Chafetz and Family TEAM PAGE
Visit Main Campaign Page$75,000
(x2 $100,000)$50,000
(x2 $10,800)$3,600
$ 1,504,671
125% OF ORIGINAL GOAL $1,200,000 usd
FINAL PHASE $1,500,000
Thank you for uniting with the Zichron Chaim community. It has been a tremendous honor to partner with our friends, neighbors, and community members !
This campaign has ended successfully, but you can still donate to the organization:
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Menachem and Brochie Weinberg
In Memory of Ben A”H/ In honor of Smadar and family
Donated to:
Mrs. Smadar Chafetz and FamilyDonated to:
R' Yaakov Sonnenschein Family
Yisroel Freilich
Donated to:
Pease Bell CPAs, LLC
Donated to:
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Bonus matchers
Matcher 1
L'illu nishmas Ben Chafetz
Matcher 2
לע"נ ר' מנחם משה בן נפתלי הרצקא
This should be a זכות for Mendy's נשמה
Amir and Edna
Matcher 3
Mr and Mrs Roger Kozuch Lezecher Nishmos
Kalman Zev ben Yoel
Tzipirah Gitel bas Dov
לזכר נשמת
קלמן זאב בן יואל ע״ה
ציפורה גיטל בת דב ע״ה
Matcher 1
Matcher 2
In memory of our parents who survived and devoted their lives to providing us with a Torah education.
אברהם יעקב בן בנימין הלוי צוקרמן ע״ה.
דבורה בת אברהם הכהן שפר ע״ה.
נח בן בנימין אליעזר מנדל ע״ה
Matcher 3
In memory of our parents who survived and devoted their lives to providing us with a Torah education.
אברהם יעקב בן בנימין הלוי צוקרמן ע״ה.
דבורה בת אברהם הכהן שפר ע״ה.
נח בן בנימין אליעזר מנדל ע״ה
צבי בן עקיבא הכהן אלטמן ע״ה
אליעזר זאב בן יצחק אייזיק גולדברג ע״ה.
יהודית בת יעקב הלוי ברגר ע״ה.
Jeff and Anny Zuckerman שיחיו.
Yaron and Tami Goldberg שיחיו.
Matcher 4
Matcher 5
Matcher 6
In honor of the engagement of Rachelli to Yoini Ehrman.
Matcher 7
לזכר נשמת איטה בת אריה לייב ע״ה. יצחק בן משה ע״ה. שרה בת פנחס ע״ה
Zichron Chaim is the kind of shul that turns a minyan into a community.
Visitors, newcomers, and established community members alike enjoy the warmth of a diverse, close-knit chevra who live by their passionate commitment to Torah and avodas Hashem. Established nearly fifty years ago, the founders infused within Zichron Chaim a heimishe flavor and a culture of limud haTorah that continues to define the community. Today, Zichron Chaim is one of the largest shuls in Cleveland with a mix of balei batim, rebbeim, and yungerleit, all actively engaged in heartfelt tefillah and a tremendous amount of learning nearly round the clock.
Last year, we broke ground and began to build a ruchniyus home that will empower our community to truly thrive.
This community, characterized by achdus, is so close to the sense of wholeness that we’ve been craving for so many years.
Everyone will be in the same location for every minyan, Shabbos, Yom Tov, and even every simcha. We’re completing a home where families will share in the sense of intergenerational pride and identity enjoyed in a permanent community.
Our shul will bear the name of one of the greatest community leaders in Cleveland’s history. Mendy Klein was a true baal tzedakah, a visionary, whose chesed transformed Cleveland Jewry. Bais Menachem Moshe is being built on the legacy of Torah and Tefillah that still flourish thanks to his tremendous initiative. The new shul is being constructed in his honor, and in the honor of all of the pioneers who established our shul and empowered Jewish life throughout the Greater Cleveland area.
We have entered the final phase of construction and are hoping to move in very shortly! Zichron Chaim is now turning to our partners and friends to help us complete our campaign and make this new mikdash me’at a reality!
This will be our home for generations.
Let’s get it finished!
השלם זה הבנין!