Chabad community and friends worldwide, we’re getting together to help the Zalmanovitz family!
13 orphans, five of whom are not yet married, need US!
Rabbi Yisroel Zalmanovitz of blessed memory, loving father and husband, and sterling educator, was known for his joyous manner. All those who encountered him met with the force of his caring and loving approach.
For the last two years Rabbi Zalmanovitz bravely battled his disease, despite great suffering, and continued to radiate faith and joy to those who surrounded him. Last week, to the distress of his family and friends, he returned his soul to its Maker, leaving them shocked and grieving, his family of 13 children, five of whom are not yet married.
Next week will be the wedding of the next child in line, with G-d’s help. We must take responsibility for the future of the bridegroom and the younger siblings.
During his period of illness, medical expenses piled up, leaving the family in great debt.
This is our chance to return the love that shined forth from Rabbi Zalmanovitz. We must take responsibility for his family and provide them with support in order to continue in financial stability, with all their needs seen to.
The ‘Adopt a Family’ fund, in conjunction with Kolel Chabad of Tzfat, is campaigning for the family.
The campaign begins Sunday, 5th of Adar, and will continue for 36 hours.
We’re all taking part to reach the goal of the campaign!
- Through the campaign website: Charidy/Campaign responding to Yisroel with love
- Through bank transfer to the following Israeli account numbers:
Bank PAGI (52), branch 187, Haifa, Acct no. 618047, Keren Ezra, Kolel Chabad. It must be noted on the transfer that the donation is for the Zalmanovitz family.
- By cash or check addressed to Keren Ezra Kolel Chabad.
- Through the Rabbi of the Rehovot Chabad community, Rabbi M.M. Gluckowsky, or through the tzedaka administrators of the community, Rabbi Aryeh Levin or Azar Ben Efraim.