(x2 $720)$720
(x2 $1,440)$1,800
(x2 $3,600)$3,600
(x2 $7,200)$10,000
(x2 $20,000)$18,000
(x2 $36,000)$36,000
(x2 $72,000)Hours
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Donated to:
Tamar Stern and Chaya Malka BokowDonated to:
Rabbi Barras/Temple Beth AmDonated to:
Peter & Natalya Erlikh & FamilyDonated to:
Peter & Natalya Erlikh & Family
Yanky and Devorah Lerner
for all those that have dedicated themselves to this extraordinary cause
31 minutes ago with Refael and Ayalla Kruskal
Donated to:
Refael and Ayalla KruskalDonated to:
Michi & Sari Brodman
15 minutes ago
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Donated to:
Goldie MendelowitzDonated to:
Refael and Ayalla KruskalDonors
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Rescue, nurture, and transform the lives of orphaned and abandoned Jewish children - giving them not just shelter but a true family, a future, and a deep connection to their heritage.
Endured unimaginable hardships—abandonment, neglect, and the horrors of war.
With Tikva, they have a second chance at life.
You have rescued them from despair, provided them with a safe home, and surrounded them with the warmth of the TiKVA family.
You’ve been with us through our harrowing escape from war-torn Odessa.
You’ve been with us as we rebuilt a new life for the orphaned children in the safety of Romania.
You stuck by us as we helped them recover from trauma, adapt to a new country, learn, and grow.
And thanks to your support, the children of TiKVA are thriving beyond what we ever imagined.
As we approach Passover, these children deserve a holiday that symbolizes freedom, faith, and hope.
We need your help more than ever to ensure they are not passed over.
Passover is more than a holiday; it is a reminder that no child should ever be left behind.
We must do everything in our power to provide them with a true Passover experience—one filled with traditional foods that connect them to their Jewish heritage.
Matzah, the bread of faith, will be on their tables because of you.
Meat, fresh produce, and nourishing meals will be there because of you.
Wine for the Seder night, new shoes and clothing—reminders of dignity and renewal—will be theirs because of you.
TiKVA cannot do this without you.
Over 700 children—including 237 orphaned and traumatized souls—are relying on you to bring the spirit of Passover into their lives.
TiKVA serves 1,800 kosher meals every single day, but the extreme cost of Kosher for Passover food makes it impossible to do alone.
Give the gift of Passover. Give the gift of hope. Donate now!
Wishing you a healthy and joyous Passover Holiday!