$ 48,510
80% OF $60,000 GOAL
The campaign has been completed
End Date: Fri, March 22, 2019 at 2:00 PM UTC
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Kollel Network Fills the World with Light of Learning
The light of Torah pours out of hundreds of batei medrashim throughout Yerushalayim each day. But approx. TEN years ago, we asked a question: Could these devoted avreichim accomplish more?
Was there learning late into the night? Was there learning on Friday, when there was no time to travel from outlying neighborhoods into yeshiva? How much learning went on during Purim? We decided to open kollelim and began filling those gaps with the light of learning.
New Night Kollelim Take Shape
First we opened a night kollel in Yerushalayim dedicated to finishing masechtos.
Then we took it to the next level, a late night Daf Yomi kollel. A group of exceptionally dedicated avreichim stay up after hours, deep into the night learning the Daf HaYomi, acquiring knowledge in all of Shas!
The Friday Challenge
The momentum of the night kollelim rapidly built. The next step was to launch a Friday kollel, so that avreichem could maximize their learning when there was no time to travel to yeshiva. Now, the day that in the past was overtaken by errands and Shabbos preparations is too lit up with the light of Torah.
Mussar - Inner Light
The crucial avodah of personal growth and middos development is another vital part of our efforts. We created mussar kollelim in two locations where avreichim learn a classic mussar sefer each night after night seder. They conduct a mussar vaad every Sunday night where avreichim share ideas of personal growth and character development together creating unity and an extra push.
PURIM - Kabbalas HaTorah Renewed
Purim is the time that Klal Yisroel lovingly reaccepted the Torah. Yet, its special Mitzvos and abundant distractions present a unique challenge for keeping the kol Torah strong. To answer the need, we established a network of Purim kollelim in numerous locations which learn four different times over the course of the days of Purim. The kollelim bring more than 600 avreichim to locations in Sanhedria Hamurchevet, Ramat Eshkol, Beitar, Nevei Yaakov, Ramat Beit Shemesh Sanhedria and Tifrach.