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To our dear brothers members of Klal Yisroel,
With Hashem’s help we have survived the physical danger of the deadly virus that spread with uncontrollable speed. We are now at the threshold of its extinction and have remained healthy bh. Thank you, Hashem, for that.
It is our duty to show appreciation to all who have sacrificed their lives at the height of the crisis. We owe a tremendous thank you to the members of Hatzoloh who went beyond their call of duty and selflessly gave of themselves round the clock to save yiddishe lives. So too, the leaders of our mosdos who made critical decisions and saw to the scholastic needs of our children during this difficult time. And of course, all the health care providers who worked nonstop under impossible conditions and the employees of the state, at its head Governor Andrew Cuomo, who led the emergency response initiative throughout the crisis.
Dear Brothers: We are now facing a spiritual crisis. We are crying out for the spiritual safety of our children. Help!!
The fact remains that the schools have been put on the bottom of the priority list at the fourth phase of the Sate’s reopening process. It is unsure, of yet, whether the schools will open come September. The secular society might accept that lightly since the school year is coming to a close.
How different do we, Hashem’s children, look at the situation, when our schools are months away from the year end. Our children are in danger and we cannot let it happen. The future of our children is our number one priority. It takes precedence over all the businesses many of which have already reopened.
A full summer semester stands before us. If the chedarim/schools/yeshivas don’t offer our children their regular routine not only will their scholastic progress be affected but their spiritual safety is at risk!
We must act! It’s a time of danger! We don’t know what tomorrow will bring!
People asked “Where are the askanim? Where are our leaders?”
R’ Yehosef Fried of Monsey, a father of children, asked that question too. He asked our askanim. The answer remains that because this is a legal battle the hands of our askanim and leaders are tied. However, they all agreed that the parents have the power to push for the schools to reopen. And because it’s a legal issue, it needs to be addressed by the court system.
We don’t want to put the health of our children at risk. Everything will be done with the exact instructions of health experts.
After consulting with influential askanim and with the blessing of our rabbanim, R’ Yehosef took the courage and put his name out there, ready to represent the cause in the name of all the parents and demand of the courts to reopen our schools for religious purposes.
The lawyer is ready, the case is prepared, and the signatures are affixed. There’s one thing we still need: Money! The legal fees for a case like this are prohibitive and in order to win the legal battle we need your help.
Remember: One courageous man is representing us all with the endorsement of all the askanim! It’s one man for the sake of us all. It’s our fight. R’ Yehosef is our heroic representative. Let’s secure “our” victory!
With Hashem’s help we will succeed.