After we payed the ultimate price – the loss of our dear children in the war, we rose from shivaa and understood the immense need to loudly voice the obvious demand, which is somehow so absent in the public sphere – not to stop the fighting until all defined war goals are completed and a total victory is achieved.
We, the members of the Forum Hagvura, see it as our highest mission to establish, strengthen, and instill the Israeli heroism that has been present from the very first moment, to elevate the acts of heroism that the people of Israel witnessed during the heroic battles around the Gaza envelope and within Gaza itself. This is in connection with the heroism of Israeli and Jewish warriors throughout all generations.
If we do not come together and voice this important and powerful message, it may dissolve.
For this purpose, we need your help to continue the existence of the Forum Hagvura.
The campaign is operated through the organization Mosifim Or.