Toras Emes: Not Just Teaching Children. Inspiring Children!
Established in 1953, Yeshiva Toras Emes has grown to be one of the largest Orthodox elementary Day School outside the New York Metropolitan area currently teaching upwards of 1,000 boys and girls. Offering an extensive Hebrew studies program and fully accredited general studies program, YRITEA is at the forefront of providing superior education to our students with many of our graduates achieving successes in both the worlds of Limud HaTorah and business.
Under the leadership of Rabbi Krause and Rabbi Goldenberg, the rebbeim, morahs, and teachers of Toras Emes are teaching the next generation of Los Angeles children the foundations of Torah and Mitzvos, and what it takes to live as a Jew in today’s world. In today’s day and age, merely teaching children is not enough. Rather, our rebbeim and teachers inspire their students, bringing alive the beauty of Torah and Mitzvos, through both learning and by example. And when children grow up inspired, they too will b’ezras Hashem go on to lead lives in which they will inspire others as well. In fact, many of our past alumni have grown up to become rebbeim, teachers, askanim and Torah true balei battim in their own right who are are inspiring our community, and the overall Jewish world as well.
Help Yeshivas Toras Emes continue its inspiring mission by joining us in our important Charidy campaign. And remember, your participation and commitment to our yeshiva is sure to inspire others as well!