Life hasn't been entirely kind to Bracha - few would want her portion. Nevertheless, without feeling sorry for herself, she continued to carry a heavy load. Despite her small frame standing at 5 foot 3 inches tall and underweight, a load so heavy most would stagger under it and give up.
Bracha's husband stopped supporting the family 3 years ago when his whole demeanor took a 190-degree change. He dishes-out emotional and psychological abuse, raising his hand menacingly, and most recently threatening to remove her and their 6 children from the premises. This has broken her resolve to be strong and plod on no matter what.
Before the pandemic set in Bracha took a bank loan to maintain household expenses. Unfortunately, she has lost her job and is unable to keep up with the monthly payments and this is causing the interest to pile up. Due to the unceasing abuse and threats Bracha is in no position to find a new job and she has no family to turn to since both of her parents dead.
Bracha needs to be relieved of this loan; she needs to move her family away from her abusive husband and father. She needs financial backing so she can build herself and family and together be a strong structure. Bracha needs help so she can be strong for her children because her children look to her and depend on her.
We turn to you for help. This is not a problem that has to last forever. Because it's how we care for our wounded and weakened that affirms the goodness of our people and society which we all share as one. Bracha's greatest concern is her children, their safety and emotional well-being. Her emotional health will ensure that her children will be well taken care of. With your help, Bracha can make a life-altering beginning and change the cycle of abuse to a cycle of renewal. Please open your hearts generously so the children can build a new life with their mother. It took a lot of courage for Bracha to come forward like this. It is all thanks to her Rabbi who she sought out in secret and his consistent encouragement. All proceeds will go directly to this family and with your help they will have a future.
We are asking for $100,000 to resettle her family in a safe location. For rent, food, clothes and shoes, school expenses, dental care, and most importantly psychological counseling.
May Hashem who commands us to help those in need bless you with Health and Parnassah. May Hashem answer your Tefillos and give you Nachas from your children and grandchildren. May you only see Bracha from all your endeavors.