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Campaign Ended


Dec 31

8:00 PM


$ 58,963,811
Giving day Goal
$ 50,000,000

4th Chabad Global Giving Day

As a Jew I stand on the front lines—

As a Chabad Shliach I stand on the front lines—

As a one united family we stand together on the front lines—

On the front lines of Judaism, on the front lines of kindness, on the front lines of light.

This trait is in our DNA.

3836 years ago, Avraham Avinu, Abraham our father taught us that our eternal souls descend into this material world for one reason: to transform it into a home for G-d, to craft a holy dwelling for all that is divine and sublime, for all that is good and kind, for all humanity to proclaim the Oneness of the Creator.

For the past 3836 years, that’s exactly what we Jews have been doing.

It wasn’t always easy but it was always right.

Whenever they tried to stop it, we shined more.

As a Chabad Shliach, this is my mission.

As a Jew, this is your mission.

Your partnership in this front-line mission is crucial for our success.

Israel is at war.

The Land of Israel fights a physical battle.

The People of Israel fight a spiritual battle.

We are here to ignite souls, to kindle hearts, to vitalize minds, to open heavenly possibilities.

We cannot do it alone. We need your help.

You are a Shliach of G-d Al-mighty.

You are an ambassador of light in this dark world.

Your Tzedakah today seeds the eternal light forever.

Thank you. May you, your loved one, all the nation of Israel, and all kind people everywhere be blessed with peace and prosperity, materially, spiritually—and materially and spiritually as one!