CWE Loves Rosati TEAM PAGE
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(x4 $180)$89
(x4 $356)$178
(x4 $712)$445
(x4 $1,780)$890
(x4 $3,560)$1,780
(x4 $7,120)$3,916
(x4 $15,664)Central West End residents support our neighbor, Rosati-Kain Academy, as a beloved and venerable school that instills in its students the values we revere - diversity, inclusiveness, intellectual excellence, and service to the community of St. Louis and beyond.
Send me a reminder as the campaign goes live:
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Rosati-Kain Academy (RKA), the only all-girls Catholic high school in the city of St. Louis, is a place where excellence, spirituality, authenticity, and acceptance flourish. At RKA, we place a high value on student-centered instruction, providing our young women with strong academics while modeling values and integrity-based living that promotes strong personal development, well-being, and success.
Rosati girls also benefit from the spiritual teachings of the Catholic Church. And, while not all our students are Catholic, Rosati parents recognize the value and importance of an education that extends the values they teach at home, reflecting their religious beliefs and moral choices – they count on Rosati to be a trusted partner in the upbringing of their most precious resource – their daughters. Together, we are educating the whole student … preparing her for a life of success and significance.
We ask you to go on this journey with us and to step boldly into the RKA experience, which is more than just the four years each young woman spends inside the walls of RKA. We deeply value each of our girls as she is – offering a space where authenticity can thrive is at the core of the Rosati experience. Rosati girls learn never to settle. Rosati girls learn to build each other up.
Rosati-Kain exists for the young woman:
Join us today as we launch our girls from the past to the present and toward an exciting future