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American Friends of Kyiv

Help us resettle the Ukrainian Evacuees

Shelter and food for 1 day
Shelter and food for 1 day


1 person
Shelter and food for 1 day
Shelter and food for 1 day


1 Family
Evacuate 1 person
Evacuate 1 person


Security Guard for a day
Security Guard for a day


Sponsor a meal at the Refugee camp
Sponsor a meal at the Refugee camp


Sponsor 3 meals at Refugee Camp
Sponsor 3 meals at Refugee Camp


Sponsor Shabbos Meals at Refugee Camp
Sponsor Shabbos Meals at Refugee Camp


Sponsor Refugee Camp for 1 Day
Sponsor Refugee Camp for 1 Day


Sponsor an Evacuation Bus from Kyiv
Sponsor an Evacuation Bus from Kyiv



$ 3,207,644

American Friends of Kyiv and British Friends of Kyiv together with our partners across the world are working around the clock to save lives in Ukraine

In the first two weeks of the conflict alone, we evacuated over 2000 men, women and children from Kyiv and other cities & towns in the east and centre of Ukraine to safer havens in the west of Ukraine. We have since evacuated hundreds more with 2-3 buses per day plus dozens of cars. 

We created three refugee camps in the west of Ukraine in Peremyshlyany, Yampil and Belz and have since consolidated them into one large refugee camp near the Hungarian border where we provide over 1000 hot meals per day

We have assisted hundreds of refugees across the border into neighboring countries. 

The cost of each bus evacuation with security and a military escort is $28,000. 

The cost of running the three refugee camps is $25,000 per day.  

We are receiving non-stop requests from communities, families and individuals throughout Ukraine asking for our help.

If you know anyone that needs help in Ukraine, please email

Please partner with us by donating to our campaign which is directly saving lives.

The Charidy website and all the volunteers are working on no commissions. 

Thank you for your help and support !!!

To donate over the phone, please call:

In US: 1-845-414-5948

In UK: +447894125093

Or email:

In US: American Friends of Kiev Jewish Community, TAX ID # 11-3527658. 

In UK: Orach Chaim Foundation, Reg Charity No: 1142504.

To donate with cryptocurrency click here

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