The Stoliner Shul—which has stood and functioned at 4609 16th Avenue since 1957—has served as a
spiritual lighthouse for the entire vicinity throughout its decades of existence.
It has introduced Boro Park to the Simcha, Bren and Geshmak in Avodas Hashem, and it has served as a welcome
home to anyone and everyone, from within the community and from without, fortify their Neshama with authentic Simcha and Varemkeit in Yiddishkeit on many occasions throughout the year.
For more than three decades, the Shul has served as a center for Torah learning that has towered
over Boro Park— Irgun Shiurei Torah draws hundreds of Yidden at a time to hear words of Torah, chassidus, and
mussar from prominent maggidei Shiur, and was the springboard for the establishment of Shiurei Torah around the world.
The shul is open for most of the 24 hours in the
day for people from throughout the community to sit and learn.
The tefillos in Stolin need no introduction. The fire and the fervor of the Stoliner davening draws in
crowds from all over who are truly inspired by this experience.
Now, the shul is in the midst of erecting a grand edifice—a fitting place which will only encourage
more Torah, more tefillah, and more avodas Hashem.
Please help us in this endeavor. Enable the shul to continue to serve as a welcome spiritual home to
thousands from the community on a greater and broader scale than ever before.
Please join in support of this cause. The zechus is immeasurable—and future generations of Stolin
will be forever grateful to you.