To our dear and generous friends,
We call on you, to open your warm hearts, and join us in fulfilling this special mitzvah of hachnassas kalla.
A Choshuv yid, marrying off a daughter during these trying corona times.
Money is tight. The basics for the chasuna, and setting up the home for the new couple to start off their lives in, is still not figured out. How will all the expenses be covered? On top of all the usual stress of making a wedding, this family must be away from their hometown for a significant length of time, causing a major decrease in the usual work income. The situation is not easy.
It's in your hands!! We beg of you to open your hearts and pockets, and help make this young couples dream a reality!! In the Zchus of taking part in the mitzvah and helping make the chasuna without financial worry or stress, Hashem should bentch you. You should be zoche to Parnassa, simcha and nachas, and only good things.