Yusewitz family
Raffle ticket to win a heilige dollar from the Rebbe$360
Raffle ticket to win a heilige coin from the Rebbe$770
Raffle ticket to win a heilige coin from the Rebbe beautifully set in a necklace or becher$3,600
Yedidi Ohr Menachem Award + Entry into all raffles$7,700
Tomchei Ohr Menachem Award + Entry into all raffles$12,000
Yissachar and Zevulun Award + Entry into all raffles$ 515,502
103% OF ORIGINAL GOAL $500,000 usd
BONUS GOAL $550,000
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Blimi Jeremias
In honor of Gabi Stone
Donated to:
Shirel malka
שיראל בת חנה בבקשה לברך את אותי לבריאות הנפש והגוף שמחה פרנסה ושמירה
with A Cohen family
Donated to:
A Cohen familyDonors
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The Rebbe writes:
Every Jewish parent who needs a special yeshua and help with their children
[should know that] the most reliable way [to secure this] is to support those who study Torah.
(Hayom Yom, 9th of Tammuz)
Cheder Ohr Menachem, founded in Crown Heights over 18 years ago, serves as an educational home for hundreds of students who are nurtured in a unique atmosphere of Torah and Chassidus. Students are immersed in an environment of yiras shomayim and hiskashrus to the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, fueled by the vitality of Chassidus and joy of life.
Partnership Days of Cheder Ohr Menachem provide you with an opportunity to support the purest form of Torah study and be partners in the tremendous zechus of the Cheder students.
Choose your partnership in supporting the Torah Learning
Torah Learning - Throughout the day:
The learning in Cheder Ohr Menachem is 100% Torah. From 9:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the evening, the student’s day is imbued with the study of Torah with wholehearted devotion (with healthy breaks, exercise and hot meals for fuel, of course).
Torah Learning - Throughout the year:
At Cheder Ohr Menachem, Torah study takes place all year round. Even during the summer months when other institutions go on summer break, Ohr Menachem continues. In a seamless transition, regular classes with their beloved teachers are integrated with healthy sports, trips, activities, and swimming. Following the teachings of the Rebbe that "Torah is our life," there is no compromise on the essential source of life, even during the summer months.
Torah Learning - By Heart:
Students of Ohr Menachem delve into the letters of the Torah beyond class time. As part of a special program for studying Tanya by heart, students reach their Bar Mitzvah with the accomplishment of knowing 12 chapters of Tanya by heart! This remarkable achievement is in addition to the thousands of Mishnayos that the students know by heart.
Torah Learning - With Passion and Joy:
Cheder Ohr Menachem invests in amazing programs that provide students with a unique chayus in Torah study. Special learning programs and contests are conducted throughout the year to encourage learning and inspire students to engage in Torah study with enthusiasm and joy, extending beyond the classroom lessons.
Torah Learning - With Chassidishkeit
In the Ohr Menachem family, parents and the administration collaborate to create an atmosphere imbued with Chassidishe values at the highest level, according to the Rebbe’s guidance. The teachers and staff cultivate an environment that inspires the students to engage in their service of Hashem through the path of Chassidus.
Torah Learning - The Torah of Geulah
At Ohr Menachem, there is a year-round study program that covers the central concepts in the subject of Moshiach and Geulah, in accordance with the Rebbe’s teaching that this is the "direct path" to bring about the Geulah. Additionally, the students participate in a weekly lesson, "Dvar Malchus," to study the Rebbe's sichos regarding the message of the Geulah (b’suras hageulah).
Torah Learning - With Personal Attention
At Ohr Menachem, every child is a precious gem. Class sizes are limited to eighteen students so teachers can provide personal attention to each student, tailor to their learning style, and closely monitor the progress of every child.
Torah Learning - Engaging Various Skills & Talents
At Ohr Menachem, we combine the values of Torah and Chassidus with the development of students' talents. Through a children's choir, arts and crafts workshops, and sports activities at the adjacent sprawling park, we provide a holistic education that engages every kind of student.
Their study - Your Merit!
Do it for the sake of the Tinokes Shel Beis Rabun.