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Illuminating the World: Torah of Rabbi Faivelzon
Many remember their first encounter with Rabbi Faivelzon fondly.
The lit up face, the radiant smile, and of course, the curiosity and deep empathy. His down-to-earth manner and congeniality. And more than anything else, his way of speaking.
The way Rabbi Faivelzon speaks is different from that of ‘the usual’ Torah scholars – just as his take on Torah is different from others.
The Rav's Torah speaks plainly and simply to human beings, just the way he believes the Torah does. A distinguished student of Rabbi Moshe Shapira of blessed memory, Rabbi Faivelzon is able to take elevated, ethereal and lofty ideas and translate them into a language that is down to earth, relevant and to the point.
And that is just how the Rav embraces others. With his complete, undivided attention, and unmatched patience. Always attentive and unique, his approach to others is personal and geared to the other's needs. And the response, full of perception and intelligence is insightful, prescient, and relevant to the challenges we face as a larger whole and as individuals, illuminating our lives. His charisma, and ability to bridge the lofty and the mundane, forges an inimitable bond with Jews from all walks of life, spanning the spectrum of ba'aleih teshuva and kollel students, single and married students alike. Haredi men, who combine professional development and learning Torah. Youngsters who have strayed off the path. The breadth of topics he addresses, day in and day out, truly runs the gamut, from marriage and peace in the home, to burning questions of faith; from educating one's children in Hashem's ways to revitalizing one's connection to spirituality.
Rabbi Faivelzon's presence electrifies us, because he speaks to us deep down inside, be it an everyday occurrence we share with him or an interpersonal relationship weighing us down. That's precisely what rivets us, the synergy – or fusion – of depth, and simplicity. But perhaps more than everything else, it's the message he infuses us with, that the Torah has something to tell us about everything and anything in life!
The Rav gives his all for others, that is to say, for us. Weekly, the Rav gives dozens of classes, whether in Pitchei Olam or other venues. He meets a multitude of different groups, none of which is cognization of the fact that each and every group – disparate as they may be – look up to Rabbi Faivelzon as their Rav, guide and mentor. His students, past and present, number in the hundreds – if not thousands. He makes himself available for others, at all times of day, to those seeking his Torah wisdom and counsel in both copious and different matters.
For his life's work to persist, and grow and grow, and influence as many thirsting Jews as possible, we must do what we can to help. The overhead is not small: the rent paid for the Yeshiva's premises, stipends to the avreichim, or married students, publishing and digitizing the Rav's shiurim, and frequent travel. A grass roots effort is required, there are no large donors who carry the full weight of Rabbi Faivelzon's multifarious operations. We are at the forefront of the Rav's mission, and it hinges on us! Hundreds and thousands of students, former and current, feel indebted to Rabbi Faivelzon for his investment, patience, Torah, and love for his fellow Jew. The Rav's unquenchable thirst for disseminating his Torah is mirrored in the passion with which so many have flocked to learn from his ways in Torah, and life in general.
Now is the time to mobilize, to contribute, and enable his Torah teachings to illuminate the recesses of so many hearts and souls, changing the world.
Details of the Organization/Yeshiva
Yeshivat Pitchei Olam
Name of Organization: Darchei Chana Leah
Organization No: 580634624.
Address: Alkabets Street 48. Phone 02-540-4430
Rabbi Faivelzon's Kollel numbers dozens of Ba'alei Teshuva, seeking to grow in Torah.
Aish HaTorah Organization
Alkabets 48, 580448082
Phone number: 02-540-4430
A ba'al teshuva Bais Medrash under the leadership and guidance of Rabbi Faivelzon.