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מצפה יוחאי

כרם יוחאי

Goal ₪800,000

Lieutenant Yochai Duchan, of blessed memory, HY”D, 26 years old at the time of his death, was a team commander in the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade. 

He was killed in action during the heroic battle at the Nahal Oz outpost, which was infiltrated by hundreds of terrorists on the morning of Simchat Torah, October 7th.

Yochai was raised on the values of love for the land, love for people, and love for the entire Jewish nation.

Out of a deep love and connection to the Land of Israel, Yochai planted a vineyard in the hills of Hebron. This place symbolizes the bond to the patriarchs and matriarchs buried in Hebron, and to Yochai's father, Alexander Yonatan Duchan, of blessed memory HY”D, who was killed in action during the battle on the "Worshippers' Route" in Hebron in 2002.

As Yochai's family, we want to honor his legacy by establishing a memorial site and observatory in his memory at the vineyard where all visitors can absorb Yochai's values and heroism.

We invite you to join us in carrying on the legacy of our beloved Yochai.