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יחד באהבה ליולדת הבאה

שפרה ופועה רעננה

Goal ₪260,000

Shifra and Puah Ra’anana provides breakfasts to women who have given birth in the first weeks after they return home from the hospital, assists with Shabbat meals, and provides emotional support. “Shifra and Puah” exists in many cities around the world. In Ra’anana it was founded 17 years ago in order to provide emotional support and assistance to postpartum women. “The founding of Shifra and Puah Ra’anana was initiated by me after I gave birth to my ninth child, 17 years ago,” says the Rabbanit Sima Shadmi, director of the project. “I felt very weak at that time, and my friends arranged among themselves to bring me a hearty breakfast every morning. I promised myself that when I would regain my strength and recover, the first project that we would set up would be to help the women who give birth in Ra’anana.” “When a postpartum woman’s husband returns to his work routine, and her parents are not always available to help, the woman often finds herself having to cope after a sleepless night; she needs to deal with exhaustion and taking care of a baby when she herself is in pain and weak. Statistics point to a high number of women who experience postpartum depression, and that is completely understandable.” The Shifra and Puah project had a humble beginning, serving 2-3 women per day. Today, approximately 25 women are the recipients of our services every morning. The breakfasts are obtained from a gourmet dairy caterer, and volunteers from Ra’anana deliver them all around the city. The meals are varied and plentiful, and all women in Ra’anana who give birth are eligible to receive breakfasts from the time they return home from the hospital for a period of two weeks. In cases in which the mother is referred by the social services department, she receives a wide array of services. Shifra and Puah is available to any Ra’anana resident who gives birth, regardless of socioeconomic status or any other factor, because virtually every woman experiences the same types of issues and needs someone who will be there for her. In the last year, the number of single mothers has grown. In this situation, the need for sensitivity is increased, and efforts are made to provide for the mothers’ physical needs such as meals and help at home, but most importantly, the essential ingredients are listening and understanding, warmth, and a friendly disposition. In addition to breakfasts, support, consultation, and access to baby supplies, the families of the new babies receive meals for Shabbat for a one-month period, meals that are prepared by volunteers from all the different sectors and communities in the city. Over the years, approximately 3,500 women from all different sectors and social strata in the city have benefitted from Shifra and Puah Ra’anana. Our goal for the coming year is to increase the community of postpartum women who receive our services, and also to widen the basket of services that we offer.