Goal $30,000
Today only, join Tekumah & Regesh
in raising $26,000! For the next 24 hours, every donation is quadrupled.
Funds raised through this campaign will allow us to focus our energies on doing what we do best, providing a safe and healthy environment for our youth!
Tekumah and Regesh, are programs that were created to educate, work with, and prevent youth at risk. We are an organization with Daas Torah at our Helm guiding us constantly as we weave in and out the intricacies of this area of yidishkeit, led by the Mashgiach of Bais Medrash Govoha HaRav Yehuda Jacobs shlita.
Tekumah and it's staff are here for a large Spectrum Jewish youth. On the most helpless angle, we address the needs of those struggling teens who don't even consider turning somewhere for help, and end up falling literally to the roadside. We have trained and experienced personal of men and of women who reach out, and initiate interaction and direction, enabling us to address the needs of the some of the most inaccessible of our youth.
Our "Regesh Network" provides the community with free and confidential crisis hotlines for boys, girls and parental support. Our trained team of specialists and educators offer a listening ear and a guiding light to our youth, who may be going through difficult times. Although we are a new organization, launched in August, The Regesh Network has fielded over 3000 calls to date.
As you may imagine, our hotline receives all types of calls, from all over the country. Our largest group of callers are young people experiencing abuse of some sort, questions about Yiddishkeit and children who are going through some sort of family crisis .In addition, our parenting hotlines are kept quite busy with parents seeking help and services. We also get many calls from friends and family who are concerned about their loved ones.
We take each and every call seriously and treat all callers with dignity and respect. Each call that comes in , becomes the catalyst to getting the help that they are seeking.
No matter what the situation, Regesh trained and experienced advocates are supportive and will do whatever it takes to help these suffering families in their time of need.
To learn more about The Regesh Network give us a call at 732.367.7700
or vist us on the web https://tekumah.com/regesh-network/
Center Girls-Mercaz Rochel is a night program for girls started by Devorah Malamud.
It is a night program for girls, a place where young girls could come and feel part of a larger group focused on supporting one another without judgmental attitudes.
It’s a destination for fun with friends, social activities and dinner.Throughout the year we have activities, Trips, BBQs, swimming and inspirational talks . In addition, we have a Purim Party,Chanukah Party,Tisha B’av program, Shavous ice cream Bash and Shabbos meals.
Hurry! It’s everything or nothing!