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מחזון להגשמה - מתקדמים לבנייה!

עמותת בל"ב רעננה

Goal ₪1,000,000

Building Lives in the Community

Belev Raanana is building a home in the community for low-functioning young adults with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. Belev Raanana's vision is rooted in the recognition that these young adults have the right to live a full life, near their families, within their home communities. This follows the philosophy of community and inclusive living. While this philosophy applies to everyone, it has unfortunately not yet been applied to this vulnerable sector of society. After many years of hard work and planning, Belev Raanana has been issued a building permit for construction of the home.

From isolation and exclusion in an institution, to a caring home in the heart of the community

Your donation is so much more than a financial contribution.

It supports an important step forward in society's acceptance of this vulnerable population.

Donations are tax deductable.

Belev Raanana registered NPO # 580490605

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