Hogar Israelita del Uruguay
Goal $700,000
We understand the Hogar must provide specialized care for each resident together with a comprehensive and quality service, honoring the story of their lives, preferences, customs and traditions.
Now, more than ever!
The Hogar must provide a response to all Jewish elders and their families who need us.
Join this campaign donating in www.charidy.com/hogar
You can donate from all over the world. USA donations are tax deductible.
Please request by mail: solidario@hogarisraelita.org.uy
Thank you very much!
Bank Transfers USA:
Business Acct: 6862730952
Citibank N.A.
Routing number: 021000089
Swift: CITIUS33
EIN/Tax ID: 84-2642899
Beneficiary: Amigos del Hogar de Ancianos Israelita del Uruguay, INC.
Cash donations:
Wapp: (+598) 95 158 275