כולל חבד צפת
Goal ₪770,000
2 saw in him an example of a true chosid, bound to the Rebbe with all his soul, a burning torch of light.
Two years ago his family received bitter tidings, and the news spread that R’ Daniel had Yene Machala. R’ Daniel never gave up as he fought for his life with great courage, and even through pain and suffering continued to illuminate his surroundings with joy.
On Tisha Be’Av R’ Daniel, only 58 year old, was called to Beis Din Shel Mala. He will be sorely missed by hundreds of loyal friends. His widow was left with five children, the youngest not yet Bar-Mitzvah, and no financial support. On her will now fall the sole responsibility to arrange for the weddings of her children. She will be the one to celebrate with her youngest son his Bar-Mitzvah.
We can not heal the grieving family’s pain, nor can we return their dear father to them, but we can be there for them just as R’ Daniel was alway there for everyone else. The immense medical bills have been a drain on the family’s finances and the weddings will need to be paid for. We can all make a difference in this family’s life, we can give them a chance to move on with strength and simcha.