Goal $100,000
Areyvut actively brings more unity to the commUNITY.
During Chanukah we actively add light to the world. At Areyvut, through our programs and resources we actively add light to the world every day of the year. We invite you to partner with us by making a donation.
The core Jewish values of chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (social action) are as important today as ever before.
Your donation to our campaign will ensure that Areyvut has the necessary resources to educate, enasge, motivate and inspire others to action.
How It Works:
For the next 24 HOURS ONLY, every single dollar will be matched by our generous benefactors to help us reach our goal of $100,000.
Every dollar you donate is DOUBLED! That means that for every dollar that you give, Areyvut will get $2!
$500 grows into $1000!
$360 grows into $720!
$250 grows into $500!
$100 grows into $200
Funds raised through this campaign will actively create more unity in the commUNITY and allow us to focus our energies on doing what we do best, developing programs and resources that empower others and help benefit the more than 200 agencies that our work benefited.
Thank you to our GENEROUS MATCHERS!
The Areyvut Board: Michael Baer, Benjamin Hooper, Jordan Goldsmith, Mark Hirschberg, Shira Hochberg, Caren Levine, Bruce Lish & Sara Weinberg
In loving memory of Norman and Joan Lavin & Nathan and Shirley Rothner, who embodied the values and lessons that Areyvut tries to teach daily.
About Areyvut
Areyvut, translated from Hebrew, means “responsibility.” Responsibility to one’s community, responsibility to the world. But when it comes to what Areyvut is about, responsibility is just the beginning.
Areyvut’s mission is to infuse the lives of Jewish youth and teenagers with the core Jewish values of chesed (kindness) tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (social action). Areyvut offers Jewish day schools, congregational schools, synagogues, community centers and families a variety of opportunities to empower and enrich their youth by creating innovative programs that make these core Jewish values real and meaningful to them.