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The Sacred Initiative:
To keep the memory of the kedoshim alive. To unite and join the families' initiative to establish the great spiritual center in Meron, for the benefit of the entire Jewish people
That night, none of us will ever forget. Never.
The night that united the entire Jewish people through our forty-five brothers who were asked to ascend as public sacrifices, to atone for all of Klal Yisrael, on the holy night, the night of Lag B'Omer, the great night of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, may his zechus protect us.
And now, an entire year has passed.
The months have passed, but the festering pain is still there. Alive and burning and painful and excruciating - - -
Precisely out of this pain that envelops every Jewish heart – yet burns exponentially more fiercely in the hearts of the families of Kedoshei Meron who deal with loss and bereavement each and every hour of every single day – grew the holy, huge initiative, the initiative that encompasses the entire Jewish people, founded by the "Kedoshei Meron 5781 Association" by some families of the Kedoshei Rashi.
This big initiative cries out:
Come, fellow Jews. Let us build the 'Beit Kedoshei Rashbi', the holy complex, the great spiritual center in Meron, close to the kever of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. A center that will bustle with activity and life. A complex that will serve the masses of visitors to Meron, with a spacious Beit Midrash and well-equipped shuls, a large, sparkling-clean mikva and a large, busy dining room for hachnossas orchim. A place that will carry the eternal memory of the Kedoshei Rashbi, the forty-five korbanos who ascended to heaven to sit at the foot of the holy Tanna Rabbi Shimon who can exempt the entire world from harsh judgment.
Come, dear fellow Jews, and together we will erect an eternal monument in memory of the forty-five Kedoshim.
We will continue to give the Kedoshim life and merits and place a soothing balm on the hearts of their families.