For the past 13 years Chabad of the Amazon
has been guiding the Jews throughout the region.
A community of less than 1,000, spread out over the size of Alaska, Florida, and New York combined.
The Amazon is big, and it is one of the most isolated regions in South America
with a 4-hour flight to the largest community.
The isolation and weather (flooding and intense heat)
are only a few of the challenges the community faces on a daily basis.
But with all that, no challenge is to great to help a fellow Jew.
Please consider partnering in taking the Amazon to the next level.
100 Mezuzot to be placed throughout the Amazon,
Jewish Hebrew school with transportation service,
A Kollel where people learn and receive kosher food and support,
More Torah classes for those in distant locations,
Temporary move to a location that does not flood,
Architecture design for the Building Campaign,
and more...

This year Shnat Hakhel will be special in the Amazon as YOU will be a part of it.
Together we can reach our goal of R$ 300,000 and 1,000 donors
to unlock even more support.
Up until the goal, there are matchers of 2x.
Thank you for being our essential partner in this eternal mission.
May the Mitzvah of Hakhel, and your partnership usher in a world of complete goodness and revealed light.