
In loving memory of our parents, Chaim and Faigy Gluck A''h. Donated by the Gluck family.

In loving memory of our parents, Chaim and Faigy Gluck A''h. Donated by the Gluck family.

Dedicated in memory of Ella and Morris Kraut ז"ל and Elaine and Walter Silver ז"ל

Dedicated in memory of Ella and Morris Kraut ז"ל and Elaine and Walter Silver ז"ל

Dedicated by their children and grandchildren Lawrence & Evelyn Kraut Sheri & El

Platinum: Mikvah USA

Platinum: Mikvah USA

Making a difference in taharas Yisroel…one community at a time

Dedicated in loving memory of Rivkah Neubort A''h by the Neubort Family

Dedicated in loving memory of Rivkah Neubort A''h by the Neubort Family

Dedicated in loving memory of Alla Chaya Kaminsky

Dedicated in loving memory of Alla Chaya Kaminsky

06/20/1949- 11/16/2014

Rachel and Mikki Friedman

Rachel and Mikki Friedman

Shira and Elliot Teichman

Shira and Elliot Teichman

In honor of our mothers and grandmothers.

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Campaign Contact Email:
Campaign Contact Phone:
(347) 563 5058
Fair Lawn Mikvah Association

Partner in the Transformation!


In loving memory of our parents, Chaim and Faigy Gluck A''h. Donated by the Gluck family.

In loving memory of our parents, Chaim and Faigy Gluck A''h. Donated by the Gluck family.

Dedicated in memory of Ella and Morris Kraut ז"ל and Elaine and Walter Silver ז"ל

Dedicated in memory of Ella and Morris Kraut ז"ל and Elaine and Walter Silver ז"ל

Dedicated by their children and grandchildren Lawrence & Evelyn Kraut Sheri & El

Platinum: Mikvah USA

Platinum: Mikvah USA

Making a difference in taharas Yisroel…one community at a time

Dedicated in loving memory of Rivkah Neubort A''h by the Neubort Family

Dedicated in loving memory of Rivkah Neubort A''h by the Neubort Family

Dedicated in loving memory of Alla Chaya Kaminsky

Dedicated in loving memory of Alla Chaya Kaminsky

06/20/1949- 11/16/2014

Rachel and Mikki Friedman

Rachel and Mikki Friedman

Shira and Elliot Teichman

Shira and Elliot Teichman

In honor of our mothers and grandmothers.

Bonus Round

Bonus Goal $520,000
Gary, Reuven, Linda Miller and families in memory of their mother Esther bas Avraham Leib A"H

Bonus Matcher

Gary, Reuven, Linda Miller and families in memory of their mother Esther bas Avraham Leib A"H

Dani and Simi Spector

Bonus Matcher

Dani and Simi Spector

L'zecher Nishmas Shaul Ben Chanoch Henoch

Mitchel and Jo-Ann Ashkanazy

Bonus Matcher

Mitchel and Jo-Ann Ashkanazy

Brittany and Josh Ricklis

Bonus Matcher

Brittany and Josh Ricklis

Gail & Steve Plotnick

Bonus Matcher

Gail & Steve Plotnick

The Rosenbaum and Jasphy Family

Bonus Matcher

The Rosenbaum and Jasphy Family

In memory of our mother Tzipora Levey, Fayga bas Moshe Peretz Halevi, and grandmother Pinchas bas Zalman A"h.

Donated in loving memory of Ruchama Bracha by her parents Zissel and Pinchas Garber

Bonus Matcher

Donated in loving memory of Ruchama Bracha by her parents Zissel and Pinchas Garber

Melissa and Josh Blachman

Bonus Matcher

Melissa and Josh Blachman

Dr. Eli and Miriam Shteingart

Bonus Matcher

Dr. Eli and Miriam Shteingart

Arthur & Judi Goldberg in memory of Yita bas Shimon A''h, Sara bas Avraham Yehoshua A''h and Aidel Rivka bas Aryeh Leib A''h.

Bonus Matcher

Arthur & Judi Goldberg in memory of Yita bas Shimon A''h, Sara bas Avraham Yehoshua A''h and Aidel Rivka bas Aryeh Leib A''h.



Original Goal $ 360,000 USD

Bonus Goal $ 520,000 USD

$ 540,520

Fair Lawn Mikvah Association

Partner in the Transformation!

Built under the supervision of our community Rabbis and leaders in 1989, the Fair Lawn Mikvah is overflowing with holiness and rich history. With Baruch Hashem an ever-growing population, the Fair Lawn community now recognizes that we have a responsibility and privilege to transform the very building that has and continues to transform us. We have come together in a magnificent showing of Achdut (unity) to fundraise and bring about a much-needed refurbishment of the Mikvah in town.

We are confident that we will meet and even surpass our fundraising goal of $360,000 to refurbish the current Mikvah. The ultimate goal of the Mikvah Association is to provide our growing community with a free-standing Mikvah. Any excess of our goal will be allocated to a stand-alone Mikvah which will further enhance our community and reflect our enormous growth. This is truly an exciting time to partner with the entire community in this endeavor. We are blown away by what we are able to accomplish thus far, and look forward to seeing what our combined efforts can do in the next 36 hours. Join us in this transformation!


"Our Mikvah is deeply layered with stories of personal sacrifice, big and small. I look forward to building upon these moments with the refurbishment that will keep the basic structure and enhance the experience for us all."

"As an attendant, it is so inspiring to know the members using the Mikvah. For instance, there was a completely not religious woman who would come monthly for the Mikvah. She was always excited to go and would make her appointments in advance. Even though she did not hold onto a lot of her upbringing, Mikvah was something she and her husband would not let go of."

"Construction to beautify our Mikvah would enhance the experience tremendously. We spend money to beautify many dear mitzvahs in our lives, ones that only come around once a year. I believe we for sure should enhance the Mikvah that so many community members use on a regular basis."

"During COVID, the need arose for other women to fill in as shomrot. The Mikvah would not have been able to run without these women. Quickly, a team of rotating shomrot was devised by the Mikvah board. Sarah* realized she had made the right decision. Women would thank her for her sacrifice for “putting herself at risk’’ for the women of Fair Lawn. At the same time, Sarah was inspired by the many women in our community who made the sacrifice to come to the Mikvah, even during the height of the pandemic. Not once during the pandemic did the Mikvah close."



Original Goal $ 360,000 USD

Bonus Goal $ 520,000 USD

$ 540,520


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Fri, , January 1, , 2021 at 10 PM UTC
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(347) 563 5058


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